Schleich Tiger Toy Figure
Schleich Tiger Toy Figure
Schleich Tiger Toy Figure
Schleich Tiger Toy Figure

Schleich Tiger Toy Figure

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Schleich Tiger Toy Figure


  • DETAILED & AUTHENTIC. Hand painted dark stripes, orange fur, a piercing gaze…and a big fan of cat videos.
  • SPARKS OF STORYTELLING. In a child's hand, this tiger has the power to levitate, speak human-ese, and feast on milkshakes and PB&J sammiches. Let kids' imaginations run wild!
  • EXCEPTIONAL CRAFTSMANSHIP. Built to withstand time travel, food fights, boring drives, and backflips off the sofa.
  • CRAFTERS & CAKE DECORATORS, REJOICE! This big cat earned his stripes as a tiger cake topper and as a tiger in jungle-themed dioramas.
  • TIGER GIFTS FOR KIDS. Is that the roar of the wild you hear? Nah…just an excited kid with a Schleich toy in his hand.